How to Get Rid Of Eczema Naturally

How to Get Rid Of Eczema Naturally

  • anti-itch cream
    anti-itch cream and eczema cream

    Eczema – use Bettamed Care Cream (50g)

  • Blistered Eczema– use Bettamed Care Cream & Bettamed Oxygen Spray
  • Itching – (if severe-add Bettamed tablets 80/ 180’s to calm allergic reactions)

Eczema is a growing problem world-wide due to an increase in autoimmune illness and due to leaky gut syndrome.

Resetting the gut microbiome is essential to reduce eczema symptoms, increase immune and calm allergic reactions.

The condition is a dry, scaly skin condition, that often leads to debilitating itching and scratching. This scratching can also become a habit, and if the sufferer has dirty hands (like children often have), these patches often become infected (weeping sores) and painful.

During a recent eczema trial, sufferers, cited itching- and the resulting sleep disturbance, as the most debilitating aspects, related the condition.

Cortisone Creams for Babies

Cortisone Creams are safe for babies in the short term. Steroid Creams work well to alleviate the symptoms of eczema, with possible serious side-effects

Prolonged topical use of Cortisone Creams, can lead to permanent skin damage,  and thinning of the skin.

Cortisone is absorbed and “scattered” throughout the body. Some studies, have shown links between extended cortisone use, in children, and retarded growth, cognitive disturbances, tumors, glaucoma, and more recently asthma.

Cortisone (cortisol) is naturally produced by a person’s body. This “calms” pain and itching, to a certain degree throughout the day.

Cortisol levels are lowest between 2 and 4am- the time, when children and adult eczema sufferers, battle most with itching. Some parents resort to putting wet-dressings on their children’s itchy patches, in order to get some sleep. No particular environmental conditions are better than others – wet or dry environments can affect the condition.

Eczema can start at any age, from newborn, on. There is no age limit. Long-term the use of Cortisone Cream poses increased health risks and side effects.